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About the Author


Dr. John Rowe,

Dr John Rowe, DProf, B.Ed, ALAM hons, is a doctor of coaching, a leadership master coach, a specialist counsellor and a mentor. He also holds a Lean Six Sigma blackbelt. In his twenties, after qualifying as a teacher, John turned to the theatre for adventure. In his thirties and forties, John moved back to education and taught and led in a wide variety of schools. These included Intermediate treatment centers for school refusers, community colleges, secondary schools, specialist drama schools, and well-known private and public colleges. Now, in his sixties, John is one of the most established coaches of leaders in schools in the UK. John has coached well over 9000 individual sessions to middle and senior leaders in education and over 1000 to industry professionals. John has also coached the leaders and teachers in an autistic provision and in a school whose students have extremely complex learning needs. Much travelled, John currently enjoys spending a bit more time at home in his small cottage on a Leicestershire farm, meditating, writing and generally enjoying the space outside.

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